LIVING life to the max has a new meaning for farmer's wife Susan Rowland who was given a new heart in a lifesaving transplant a year ago this week.

The active 60-year-old is looking forward to celebrating Valentine's Day by going about her normal duties - milking the cows at Marsh Lane Farm, Lower Whitley.

Susan damaged a heart muscle in 1993 after contracting a virus, and after rapid health deterioration, had to give up working 12 months before her operation.

"I was so tired and could hardly do anything before the operation, it was so hard adjusting from being a busy person to one who did little," she said.

"Now I feel great and life is brilliant just by being back to normal - I haven't had a day off since I got back!"

The transplant took place at Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester and has given Susan a new lease of life. Mother to Mary, 35 and Philip, 32, Susan couldn't wait to return to making her daily visits to the milking sheds.

She runs the 58-acre farm with husband John. He suffers from multiple sclerosis and the daily milking is done by Philip in the morning and Susan in the afternoon.

The "New Heart, New Start" appeal, based at the hospital, is helping thousands of people throughout the north west to overcome heart problems and put the sparkle back into their lives.

Ann Stuart, manager of the appeal, is overjoyed at how quickly Susan's life has returned to normality.

She said that second chances in life for people like Susan depend entirely on the availability of donor organs, which are always needed.

"Susan is one of a rapidly growing number of men and women throughout the region whose health and zest for life clearly demonstrates the real benefits of transplantation," she said.

Living each day to the full, Susan, who was married in 1961, juggles the milking between gardening, sewing and general handicrafts.

"I love being busy and Valentine's Day will be no exception," said Susan. So if John had in mind a romantic day for two, he might as well forget it - his wife has other plans!

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