THE family of a football mad dad of two has spoken of the shock at his death playing the game he loved.

Terry Williams suffered a heart attack as he took part in a five-a-side competition in Manchester last week. He was just 39 years old.

Terry, who was born and raised in Warrington, had never shown any signs of ill health - apart from a slight case of breathlessness when he was young.

He moved to Bagley in Shropshire three years ago but still spent a lot of time with family and friends in the town he grew up in. A staunch Liverpool fan, he lived in Clegge Street, Warrington, and Ash Road, Penketh, after his marriage to wife Janice. The couple then had two sons, Alex, three, and Ben, 15 months. Terry also leaves three brothers and a sister. His father, Fred, said: "He would drop anything to help you out and he loved his family dearly."

During his time at Stocks Lane infant and junior schools he had played both football and rugby, but after signs of breathlessness his doctor suggested to parents Fred and Betty that he cut down on the sport.

"He cut back on rugby but then played twice as much football! The problem must have been there all the time but it didn't stop him," said Fred.

Terry later became a member of the Warrington Gas Football Team, as well as playing in both Saturday and Sunday leagues.

"His big hearted personality and comfortable nature enabled him to make friends easily," said Fred. "After he spent two years working in Germany, he set up an annual exchange footballing programme with his German neighbours, who are helping to set up the Terry Williams Memorial Fund with Janice."

He added: "He would never have changed his lifestyle even if he had known. He had 100 per cent commitment both on and off the pitch."

The funeral takes place on February 16 at 2pm at Ellesmere Methodist Church, Cheshire.

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