I would like to ask Mr Dykes why money has been spent on refurbishing other CLS Homes and yet CLS is closing Heathvale and WillowView?

New rooms with ensuite facilities were promised three years ago - prior to my mother entering Heathvale.

I do not accept that there is insufficient demand for the care of the elderly in Northwich.

I have looked at seven homes in the area this week, most of them are full.

I would like to say Heathvale matches up to the majority of them, it is spotlessly clean, has good facilities, good food and excellent carers, it is 'home' to every resident.

There must be a greater need for these homes as time progresses and life expectancy becomes longer.

The closure of these homes is causing anxiety and heartache to 30 elderly people. Surely they deserve better?


and address supplied.

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