HARTFORD villagers have wrapped up their arguments against plans for 300 homes on the Grange Farm site.

Both the Hartford Village Trust and Hartford Parish Council appeared at Vale Royal Borough Council's local plan enquiry last week.

Parish council chairman Clr Shirley Harris said: "Every single area of green land in our village has been built upon.

"Grange Farm is the last preserve of the open aspect that makes Hartford what it is."

The enquiry also heard evidence from Cheshire County Council's traffic engineers, who said the development would not improve Hartford's traffic problems - but it would not make them worse.

At the enquiry, transport chief Bob Hindhough had barely begun to speak when he faced stinging criticism from both groups, who claimed that the council's "improvements" to Hartford's central junction had made it vastly more dangerous.

Trust chairman Dick Finnis said: "The junction used to be safe, that's a simple fact. There was an all-red phase when a pedestrian could be completely sure of crossing safely."

Mr Hindhough responded by saying that the council plans to add a push-button crossing at School Lane, and would consider further safety measures if the Grange Farm plans go ahead.

Hartford Parish Council said it will tolerate development on the following grounds:

A community centre or surgery is provided.

There are no more than 300 houses.

The entrance to the site will be "greened-up".

The Village Trust opposes the development totally, claiming Grange Farm is a vital open space in Hartford's daily life.

Borough council solicitor Alan Evans dismissed the Trust's evidence, most of which was heard before Christmas.

He said: "The Trust has brandished a scattergun, with only minor salient points coming through. We believe we have demonstrated why those few pellets from the gun are not legitimate grounds for refusing this plan." He told the parish council that their calls for planning benefits would be properly discussed if the plans get the green light.

Government inspector David Fenton will publish his decision on Grange Farm towards the end of the year.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.