A FATHER-of-four underwent major heart surgery after being injured in a head on car crash.

Terry Sweeney, 32, suffered similar chest injuries to Princess Diana and doctors carried out heart surgery to save him.

"We don't know what the long term effects of the accident are going to be yet," said Terry's dad, Gerry, who was also in the car when it crashed.

The accident happened at 5.45am last Friday on King Street, in Northwich.

Terry, of Cockington Close in Leftwich, had just set off for London on business.

Firefighters had to cut the seriously injured out of their cars - Terry, his brother Kenny, 34, from Winsford, and the driver of the other car, Stephen Woodward, 32, from Middlewich, who is still in intensive care at Leighton Hospital.

Gerry added: "Terry was rushed from Leighton to North Staffs Hospital for surgery.

"There's no doubt his lifestyle will have to completely change. It's very hard when you think of him just running around as normal before.

"Kenny's got a long way to go as well, but he's a strong lad, running what is to be called the Everton Supporters' Club next season and the Winsford Junior Blues nine-a-side."

Terry's sister Ann-Marie, 27, added: "Terry is lucky to be alive and we're all counting our blessings.

"A lot of people were there at the right time and were absolutely fantastic in helping to save their lives. So many people stopped to help and there was one lad in particular who worked at Tescos and stopped the traffic coming through.

"We'd like to thank all of them, the hospitals and fire and ambulance crews.

"You just don't expect something like this to happen.

"We are also very concerned about the lad in the other car. Our thoughts go out to him and his family."

Police eventually opened King Street four hours after the accident. They are also appealing for witnesses. Ring Sgt Blair Wilson on 01244 613261.

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