A COLLECTION is being made at Northwich's Cosy Kitchen cafe, in memory of Eva Charlton - one of their oldest and most loyal customers.

Eva, who died last Saturday, was a regular customer at the cafe for over 11 years and was well loved by the staff.

She was a real character and never failed to bring a smile to people's faces.

Even in the middle of winter, she would insist on sitting outside the cafe in 'the garden' as she used to call it, and would challenge staff to a race from the counter to her favourite table.

Eva led an exciting life and her work as a nurse took her all over the country before she finally settled in Northwich.

Alison Walker, who served Eva at the cafe, said: "Eva was a really well liked lady and it is a great loss to us all."

Staff at the cafe have been touched by the donations made by customers which will go towards flowers to remember Eva at her funeral.

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