Campaign co-ordinator Ena Green has enlisted the help of Nick Dykes of CLS Services, the owners of Heathvale, to help draw up a bid, which could be submitted to the lottery's charities board.

"We don't have much time," said Mrs Green.

"Bids have to be in by the first week in March. But with no sign of a 'white knight' coming in to buy Heathvale, it is one of our few options."

Troubled Heathvale is facing closure because it is losing at least £60,000 a year.

For that reason, the charities board told Mrs Green it would have a good case for a cash bid.

Mrs Green said: "They were quite encouraging, and then Mr Dykes also agreed to help, so that is some comfort.

"We sent out a loud message last week that we want to keep a home in Rudheath. We are just trying to find a way out of this awful situation."

Mr Dykes met yesterday, Tuesday, with officials from Vale Royal Borough Council and Cheshire County Council.

He told the Guardian: "We agreed that if Heathvale does have to close, the site should at least be retained for the benefit of elderly people, perhaps in the form of individual homes.

"I want to see some more details of the lottery bid from Mrs Green, and then I will be able to press ahead and add my own efforts."

There are now more than 1,300 names on a petition aimed at keeping Heathvale open - but there's still no sign of an 11th hour buyer who can rescue the home.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.