Over the years - because of town twinning - members of Knutsford Lions have been welcomed by their opposite numbers in France and the president of the Knutsford branch of the Royal British Legion has been made an honorary president of the Ancient Combatants in Montmorency.

In addition, we've seen a continuing interest in school exchanges and in April this year a sports weekend, involving Egerton Youth Club, is planned.

Over 50 people from Montmorency will be in Knutsford for the event.

These surely represent cultural benefits to our town.

With regard to economic benefits, all guests of the official party last year were given an information pack on the area and one would hope that they would wish to return to our town, bringing with them the benefits of tourism and business.

And as for funding, for our next trip to Montmorency in May, the cost of the fare is £117.50 for non-members and £100 for members, which is not subsidised by the council, but from our own funds which we raise through social events throughout the year.



Knutsford Town Twinning Association

Manchester Road, Knutsford

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