While a new library and senior citizens' club house would be welcome in our town, I fail to see why 10, 20 or 30 more flats (I thought it started off as 6) have to be built where, at the moment, there is some space.

It appears that councillors/planning officers seem more than willing to allow every area, which affords space and view, to be built upon.

Can the town not be built upon?

Can the town not be free from development of yet more modern buildings which are helping to obliterate the history of Knutsford?

Fields and green areas are also disappearing fast. Incessant traffic and pollution are being encouraged. The description of 'rural' Knutsford no longer applies.

Cheshire County Council representatives all seem highly pleased with the plans for this further development but I doubt whether they live in this area or care much if our town is being overdeveloped.


St John's Road


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