The hard bit was no doubt getting home again in time for DINNER.

But Peter Boyce and David Russell did both in style.

They rolled back into Knutsford in their 43-year-old TR4A after successfully completing the Monte Carlo Challenge - with 45 minutes to get washed and dressed ready for Knutsford Motor Club's annual dinner dance.

"I got home at 6pm, put my suit on and was there in less than an hour," said club chairman Peter, of Valley Way, Knutsford.

"Luckily I had prepared my speech a week in advance."

Days earlier Peter had navigated as driver David negotiated the twists and turns through the Jura Mountains on route to the finishing line at Monte Carlo.

The open road route - a revival of the rally's 60s heyday - saw 220 classic cars from all corners of Europe competing in the challenge.

For Peter and David, of Stubbs Lane, Mobberley, at one stage it meant being on the road for 36 hours non-stop.

But within hours of arriving in Monte Carlo, the intrepid travellers were heading home for an important date at Knutsford's Leicester-Warren Hall.

As chairman of the Knutsford and District Motor Club, Peter had to be there to present - and receive - awards.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.