The developer behind the £1 million combined library, restaurant, flats and community centre proposal - thrown out by borough planners last week - will submit a new set of plans next week.

"We're determined to go ahead with this," said county council leader Derek Bateman.

"Macclesfield are being difficult about it and I hope that they will deal with it."

The new plans will try to address the concerns of borough councillors who were unhappy with the inclusion of a cafe on the site.

However, Labour county councillors and local supporters of the scheme are baffled why the plans were rejected when there were close behind-the-scenes negotiations between the authorities.

Clr Bateman accused Knutsford Cty Clr Bert Grange of doing a political U-turn and supporting his Conservative borough colleagues at the 11th hour - despite backing the scheme from its early days.

"He has supported it all along," said Cty Clr Bateman. "Then Macclesfield Borough council decide they're not happy with it.

"I can only assume it's a party political decision - I've only known him support the proposal."

He believes Clr Grange had bowed to political pressure from his Conservative colleagues on the borough council.

Last week borough councillors threw out the design after months of negotiations between the two authorities.

"People are bemused more than anything," said Labour borough councillor Martin Smith. "They don't understand how the decision got so far down the road for Macclesfield Borough Council at such a late stage to put in an objection."

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.