THE first day of the New Year saw the appointment of the 1999 captains at Frodsham Golf Club, John Hatto and Barbara Mottershead.

Twelve-handicapper and keen Arsenal fan John arrived on the tee to great applause as he was presented with a trick club which used a BMW steering wheel as the grip made for him by club professional Graham Tonge.

Barbara, joint captain at the club where both ladies and gentlemen have equal rights and joint membership, made an entrance to a warm reception from the members as she teed off with her trick club also made by Graham, which had music notes going up and down either side of the shaft.

The drive in, which saw lady captain Barbara hit a far superior shot than both John and the new junior captain Matthew Hall, was followed by an 11 hole matchplay competition between a captains team and a past captains team.

The drive in saw a good turn out with 72 hard-core golfers rise early on a cold but bright new years day to raise money for the local North West Cancer Appeal.

The spoils for the competition were eventually shared with captains John and Barbara having to settle for a hard-fought draw over the past captains team which was led by out going captains Joe Farrell and Irene Pattinson.

The day also saw the unveiling of the new vice captains John Morris and Christine Daye who will be the first captains of the millennium.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.