VILLAINS posing as millennium bug experts are conning their way into homes in Widnes, police revealed this week.

Two men tricked their way into a house in the town centre, purporting to be MANWEB officials.

They said they were checking to make sure the electric meter was compatible with millennium technology.

They even produced MANWEB identification cards.

However, the occupant became suspicious when they asked to go up into the loft and asked them to leave.

Nothing was stolen.

The intruders were in their mid 30s. One was tall with greyish hair while his accomplice was small and scruffy.

Det Con Tim Holden appealed to anyone else who had encountered a similar trick to get in touch.

"This is a scam," he said. "I want to warn people to be on their guard. There is no such thing as meters having to be checked for the millennium."

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