A WIDNES newsagents was robbed by two men at the weekend.

The pair entered Rowles shop in Halton View Road, Widnes, at 8.40pm on Saturday and threatened the woman behind the counter, demanding that she open the till.

They then ran off with cash, scratchcards and lottery tickets.

One of the offenders is described as of slim build, with blue eyes and between 5ft 10 and 11ins in height.

He was wearing a green Berghaus coat with the hood pulled up to obscure his face, blue jeans and white trainers. He speaks with a Widnes accent.

His partner was scruffy, with untidy, dark brown hair. He is of medium build. This man was wearing a black pullover with a white line down the sleeve.

Both men were white and aged between 19 and 20.

Anyone who saw a pair similar to them, or who can help in catching these men, is asked to contact Det Con John Reynolds at Widnes CID on 01244 61 3735. Information can also be left on Crimestoppers 0800 555111.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.