POLICE are looking for a man who attacked two women in the space of five minutes in Castlefields on Saturday evening.

And the same man may have assaulted another woman near Pump Lane in Halton Village last month.

The first attack happened near Castlefields Youth Centre when a woman was grabbed by a 25-year-old man at 6.55pm.

Five minutes later, a similarly described man went for another woman on Centurion Row.

The assailant is described as between 5ft 8ins and 11ins tall, white with short - possibly cropped - light-coloured hair.

He was wearing a dark, hip-length jacket.

Runcorn Det Sgt John Holian said that the victims' descriptions were so similar, and the times and locations so close, as to almost preclude the possibility that the attackers were different men.

"If it is the same man (behind all three attacks) there is a strong likelihood that he may attack again," said Det Sgt Holian.

The victims have told police that a number of people were in the vicinity at the times of the assaults, and CID is keen to enlist their help.

The youth centre victim was helped by two young lads, and a man went to assist the woman at Centurion Row.

A number of people were standing at a busway stop near to the youth centre, including a bespectacled woman with two young children, and may have seen the attacker.

Anyone who can help police in their bid to solve these crimes can contact Det Con Gill or Det Con Furlong at Runcorn CID on 01928 713456.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.