DETECTIVES investigating the Runcorn FC robbery have made a fresh witness appeal after new information has come to light.

A witness has come forward to say that they saw the two suspects, both young men, walking along the canal towpath towards the town centre after the raid - in which £3,000 was stolen.

Some of the money stolen had been taken in a collection for the family of loyal club servant Tommy Ellis, who had collapsed and died after the previous Saturday's game.

One of these youths was carrying a cardboard box, which police believe contained the stolen cash and coins.

The armed robbery, which happened on Monday, January 18 at 2pm at Runcorn Social Club, saw two men walk into the club and demand all the money.

One of the robbers allegedly threatened a female staff member with a gun.

Anyone who saw two young men walking in Runcorn Old Town on that day, one carrying a heavy cardboard box, is urged to contact Det Sgt Neil Silcock or Det Sgt John Holian on 01928 713456.

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