A DATE for the manslaughter trial of former Runcorn policeman Tony Bukhari will be set in two weeks' time.

Bukhari will appear before Bermuda's Supreme Court on February 15, where he is charged with manslaughter for failing to help his then-girlfriend Liz Cadell after she took a massive overdose of painkillers.

The 32-year-old former Runcorn constable, who once lived in Beechwood, had been working as a policeman in Bermuda when Ms Cadell died in May 1997.

A decision to charge him was made after the inquest into her death last year.

Ms Cadell, a journalist, had taken an overdose of painkillers, but Bukhari is alleged to have avoided helping her when he could have saved her life.

If convicted, 32-year-old Bukhari, who appeared in court this Monday, could face life imprisonment.

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