AN BUS driver has been labelled "cold and horrible" after refusing to take a distressed pensioner to hospital because it was not on his route, then stopping there anyway.

The Arriva X5 1pm city express was starting its journey from Windmill Hill on Friday when an elderly woman rushed across the busway and asked to be taken to Halton Hospital.

The driver allegedly said he was not going that way and would not take her.

But according to one X5 passenger, the bus then drove to Halton Hospital anyway.

Windmill Hill man John Linaker was disgusted by what he saw.

He said: "This old lady ran around the barrier across the busway and asked the driver to take her to Halton Hospital. She was obviously in a hurry to get there.

"He told her no because the bus didn't go there. But he stopped at the hospital to pick up passengers.

"The driver just totally refused to let her on. The man's attitude was disgraceful. I think he should be reprimanded for it."

"I couldn't believe it when he stopped at the hospital to pick up passengers."

John said the woman, who he reckoned was approaching 80 years of age, was obviously in a rush because she ran across the busway, wearing slippers but no coat.

When he reached Runcorn Old Town, John telephoned the police and Halton Hospital to ask them to look out for this woman.

Arriva's development manager Derek Bowes said: "There's certainly no reason why he shouldn't have picked the passenger up but there is a six minute local service which runs the same route which is probably the more appropriate one to catch because of its frequency and also because the fare is cheaper.

"I am sorry if there has been some misunderstanding, but that was probably the driver's intention."

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