SOUTH and East Cheshire TEC has appointed one of its most loyal members as the Director of Research, Marketing and Strategy.

Andrea Montgomery joined the Middlewich-based TEC as a member of the development team when it was set up in 1990.

She has since been involved in a variety of roles, mainly concerned with business support, and before her new appointment, which begins on March 1, she was Enterprise and Business Services Director.

Having begun her career in the provate sector, Andrea moved into public sector employment in her home town of Stockport, and is relishing this latest challenge.

She said: "The TEC's role to support an internationally competitive local economy is dependant upon our ability to know, understand and respond to the changing needs of our customers and the local economy.

"That puts search, marketing and strategy at the heart of our operations and I am very proud to be given the opportunity to work with this highly skilled team of people."

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