CHESHIRE County Council is being urged to support a campaign promoting the use of British food.

The 'Proud to Serve British' campaign is an NFU initiative to encourage catering outlets to use British produce wherever possible.

And Cty Clr Neil Fitton, Conservative social services spokesman, will table a motion to the county council meeting tomorrow, Thursday, urging members to support the initiative.

Clr Fitton said: "It already has the backing of central Government and the Local Government Association and I believe that Cheshire County Council can also play more of a role."

"We in Cheshire already use British produce in our schools and social services establishments and it's very important that we are seen to give this campaign our full backing.

He added: "The county has a strong agricultural base and is a major employer and purchaser of such items.

"The county council has a duty to further help British farming through these present difficult times."

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