I AM confused.

I read with a great deal of interest the court case published in the Winsford and Middlewich Guardian last week of the the person who was sent to prison for killing a cat.

I have no desire to go into the merits and demerits of the case. The legal process ran its course and the court arrived at the decision it considered just.

What is causing my confusion is this: How can someone be jailed for killing a cat while in this country, it is considered legal to hunt to death foxes, to hunt to death deer, to course hares, shoot pheasant and to catch and kill fish?

I am neither for or against any of these passtimes. I have no desire to kill cats or any other animal and I am not an animal liberationist either.

It just strikes me that there is a massive set of double standards going on here.

Either it is acceptable to kill animals or it is not. To my way of thinking, there does not seem to be any grey area.

But then again, I am just a simple townie. I know little or nothing about the ways of the countryside. But I can only draw the conclusion that there is a different set of laws applied to rural folk.


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