THE pest control section at Congleton Borough Council is warning Middlewich residents not to get stung with the cost of treating wasps and ants this summer.

It is urging people to join the authority's new and imaginative scheme for controlling nuisance bugs in domestic premises.

As the summer months approach and the warmer weather brings the miseries associated with wasps and ants, the borough council's pest control team can provide residents with a treatment scheme for just £10.

Glyn Chambers, environment and public protection director of the borough council, is predicting a bad year for pests due to the mild winter.

And the pest control section is already experiencing complaints relating to the most common but annoying pests that people often get in their houses.

For further details of the scheme residents should look for the leaflet and application form which will land through letterboxes from March 8.

Anyone wishing to take advantage of the scheme must do so by April 30. The pest control section is urging people to apply as soon as possible after receipt of the form to beat the rush.

This is the first scheme of its kind in Cheshire and it is hoped that as many residents as possible will take up the offer.

People who pay their £10 can have infestations treated during the year as necessary, subject to scheme conditions.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.