I often travel around the country with my job and have also driven abroad many times, but I have never encountered roads as bad as in the Mid-Cheshire area.

To be blunt, they are a disgrace to those responsible for their upkeep. There are many large holes appearing almost daily, the top surface has been worn away from many sections of busy road.

Manholes are often sinking and dangerous. Wherever pipework has crossed the highway the surface has sunk and is dangerous.

No wonder there are so many tyre centres in the area, it must be a dream scenario for them.

Apart from providing stretches of nice new footpath (usually where nobody lives or few people walk) and spraying white paint around the worst areas of damaged road, in readiness for yet another patch up job, just where is the money being spent?

I cannot remember when I last saw any stretch of local road totally resurfaced to an acceptable standard.

Action is needed now, stop burying your heads in a pile of chippings.


Cogshall Lane, Comberbach.

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