For the club played host to the first regional junior time-trial to be held in the UK.

Crews from clubs and schools from all over the region were competing in a bid to qualify for the English inter-regional regatta at London's Docklands in April.

And Northwich RC boasted a string of winners, including Jenny Davey and Ellie Davies, who won the women's junior 16 double sculls.

Organised under guidance from the Amateur Rowing Association, it proved a great success.

Northwich RC chairman Joyce Hooper said: "I was very proud that our club hosted the event in the way that it did. The spirit of all the competitors was first rate."

Northwich RC provided the majority of time keepers and umpires for the event, which delighted Pam Davies, the North West junior rowing representative.

She said: "My particular thanks to the host club for their enthusiasm and hard work in staging the event. It was satisfying to see young athletes helping each other in a spirit of friendly rivalry."

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