Brown, who was assistant to both Kevin Tully and Peter Ward, has been ruled out because he doesn't possess the suitable coaching skills.

Bond, the club's Director of Football, explained: "We have decided Rob will not figure in our future plans. The situation has been explained to him and he was very understanding.

"I want a manager who can coach players on the training ground as well as manage the team. We have two or three people in mind, but an announcement will not be made until the end of April. I can say it will not be an older man."

Eddie Bishop is one of the candidates for the full-time job having impressed during his tenure as joint caretaker with Rob Brown.

Mr Bond added: "I have to say that Eddie's enthusiasm and attitude has been very impressive. We talked to him last week and he seems very happy with the situation."

Bond sees Nigel Clough's success at Burton Albion as a good blueprint for Witton's future.

There are rumours Witton have been in contact with an experienced player currently playing elsewhere. That would suggest the possibility of a managerial pairing, including Bishop, being chosen, should the club survive its financial crisis.

The match programme for Saturday's game with Farsley included a plea from Managing Director Mike Worthington for pledges of £1,000 to the Friends of Wincham Park.

Worthington has imposed an end of March deadline in his bid to raise the £60,000 needed to prevent the club being closed on May 31.

One of two possible buyers for the acre of land at the Platt Motors end of the ground has dropped out, but Mr Worthington remains optimistic.

He said: "The party that has dropped out was the less appealing of the two because they only wanted half an acre. I remain hopeful.

"I would say the deadline for that deal and for pledges has got to be March 23."

Mr Worthington has also been pleased with the level of response to Saturday's plea for help.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.