COUNCILLORS were faced with huge opposition to their bid to close Marbury Lane yesterday, Tuesday.

Over 2,000 people signed the Guardian's petition, Marbury Lane Must Stay Open - which was handed in at last night's meeting about the closure at Northwich Memorial Hall.

Marbury parish council clerk, Marjorie Burgess, said: "With this sort of pressure we hope the council will keep the road open.

"I know it would cost an awful lot of money to repair the road, but this could be done slowly.

"It's dreadful living on this side of the river at the moment. Other routes are a long way round or unreliable.

"We held a meeting to see what people thought - the majority clearly want the lane to stay open."

The road has been closed since November when three young men were killed in a horrific accident and the county council voted for a full public debate into the road's future.

It says it won't open Marbury Lane in its current state - and full repairs could cost as much as £700,000.

But residents and local councillors say that if the lane stays shut, traffic will flood through Winnington. Town centre traders fear some shoppers will travel to Warrington rather than struggle through the queues.

But for the time being the lane will remain closed. Cheshire County Council will discuss the issue again in March but may not reach a final decision. The borough council wants the lane kept open.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.