NORTHWICH could become home to Cheshire police's new headquarters.

The constabulary has confirmed its plan to move out of city centre Chester to a more central location in Mid Cheshire.

The police training centre in Crewe would also be relocated to the same site.

Leader of Vale Royal Borough Council, Clr Arthur Neil, said: "We have not received any planning application in connection with the new police headquarters.

"But if the police do want to move to Vale Royal, we would welcome them as we believe it is the logical place, being central to the whole of the area."

But not everyone has welcomed the news.

Chairman of Lostock Gralam Parish Council, Michael Fellows, fears the Triangle site at Lostock may have been secretly earmarked for the project.

"I don't think it would work," he said. "Vale Royal is pressing for a business development - you'd end up with a combination of a police headquarters building and small, assorted businesses around it.

"It would also have a negative impact on traffic. You're looking at a rise per day of 4,000 cars on Manchester Road."

The force says its current home is no longer suitable - but says it cannot be precise about a new site at this stage.

Chairman of the Police Authority, Rupert Nichols, said: "At this stage, no specific location has been identified as most suitable."

If the project is approved by the government, a new site could be developed by 2003.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.