TRAINEES working on Brunner Mond's apprenticeship scheme face an uncertain future - after the firm announced it was axing the programme in June.

Some 22 apprentices, aged between 16 and 23 years, are affected by the decision.

The four year scheme, which takes on six youngsters a year, gives apprentices the chance to gain NVQs in many different trades.

"It's terrible. I can't see why they are getting rid of this scheme. It does not look good for the future," said one apprentice, who did not wish to be identified.

Mark Chitty, of Brunner Mond, who broke the news last week, said all 22 trainees would be considered for other jobs within the company.

"It's a step which we have taken with great regret, but the seriousness of the situation leaves us with no alternative," he said.

"During 1999 we have to lose 125 jobs."

But he did have a message of hope for the apprentices.

"Even if they are not given jobs at Brunner Mond we are in discussions with Normid TEC and hopefully they will be given apprenticeships with other firms."

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