His dad Terry, mum, June, brother Ian, partner Angela Beardsmore and son two-year-old Liam are now struggling to come to terms with the tragedy.

"He was a devoted dad, a much loved son, and very kind hearted," said his brother Ian.

"There is not much more you could ask for in a brother or a friend.

"To die at 21-years-old, you just can't imagine it."

Paul, of Elmwood Drive, Barnton, had worked as a mechanic at Dane County, in Manchester Road, for three months.

Keith Shore, dealer principal at Dane County said: "We are all gutted, it's an absolute tragedy, a young man with his life in front of him.

"He was a nice likeable young man with a promising career ahead of him."

Paul had been with Northwich Sea Cadets for 10 years and was a petty officer.

He had national certificates and diplomas in engineering.

He played football for Moss Farm Sevens, took part in canoeing and shooting for the sea cadets and was an excellent squash player.

"He achieved in his life more than the average 21-year-old . . . certainly more than I did at his age," said his father Terry. "It's very difficult, we are absolutely devastated."

Only a week last Sunday at a family christening, Paul became a godparent to his brother Ian's sixth month old son James.

"The tragedy is that his son Liam and nephew James will never know what a lovely chap he was," said Ian.

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