The store worker, who has asked not to be named, said the loaded weapon was found under a display of cola cans at 4am on Thursday morning - after the first wave of police search teams had left the scene.

"I appreciate that this is a delicate issue," said DI Eddie Smith.

"But our immediate aim was to concentrate our forensic searches within a few feet of the cash machines.

"Given that the weapon was found a little further away, and under a heavy pile of cans, I would not have expected the officer in charge of the first search to find it.

"I do know, however, that the display was due to be moved before the store re-opened, so it is highly likely that it would have been found in any case.

"I would add, of course, that the store was under full police control throughout the night."

The store worker said he was "very frightened" by the idea of the loaded weapon lying around in the supermarket.

He added: "Something could have fallen on it and it could have gone off. Anything could have happened."

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