Abbey Saddlery - set up by the Brown family 17 years ago - has been awarded a Royal warrant.

"We see it as a pat on the back as far as we are concerned and it shows us that we are going in the right direction," said Richard Brown, whose father George founded the business.

"We are a family business so that means we all get involved in the running of things."

Royal warrants are issued in a similar way to the New Year's Honours List.

But instead of a presentation the saddlery was issued with a scroll from the Lord Chancellor giving them the Royal appointment.

"It is very important to the business because the Royal family are recognised all over the world," said Richard.

"We have been supplying to Buckingham Palace for six years and there is always a need for the repair of the State Harness."

Abbey Saddlery was formed to supply Leather Workers and Saddlers with everything for their workshop and they are renowned for their unique products.

From its base on the Parkgate Industrial Estate it exports buckles and bridal ware all over Europe, America and Africa.

"We are very pleased to be given the warrant and we will just have to see where it takes us next," said Richard.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.