Booths Hall-based Alstom Power Plants is cutting 50 jobs because its operations are merging with another site in Trafford Park.

"The transferring of activities means that regretfully we are looking at up to 50 jobs losses," a company spokesman said last week.

Operations at Trafford Park are due to merge with those at the Chelford Road site by the end of May.

Applications for voluntary redundancies are due in by March 12, but last week it was unsure when the final decision would be made and what type of jobs would go.

In a letter leaked to the press, staff were told that despite the company pursuing numerous worldwide projects, orders were insufficient to support current employment levels.

It explained that the company had reviewed its workload and had established a structure for the future which would mean jobs losses.

"The company will endeavour to accept all volunteers, however, we must ensure that essential skills are retained and the company reserves the right to refuse requests," said human resources director Neil Roberts.

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