County councillor Bert Grange said he had repeatedly told developer Property Solutions that if the plans included a restaurant the £1m scheme would be refused by Macclesfield.

"I've told the developer and the architect that from day one," he said.

Last week Property Solutions were told to go back to the drawing board as Clr Grange denied he'd made an about-face in opposing the plans at the last minute.

He said he'd first learned of the restaurant when the plans went on show at Knutsford Civic Centre - and had pushed for an alternative ever since.

But he claimed Property Solutions believed their plans stood a good chance of being approved by borough councillors - and stuck to their original scheme.

Now the developers have said they will iron out planners' concerns before the plans are resubmitted.

"The first time anyone saw any sign of a restaurant was when it went on show at the civic centre," said Clr Grange.

"When they put these plans on show they called it a tea room. Then it went from a tea room to a coffee shop to a bistro and a late night restaurant.

"It's going to have to be what we want for Knutsford - not what a developer wants."

But Knutsford's Labour group said this week they were still puzzled why the plans were thrown out when they were so popular with the public and there was nothing in planning law to stop them.

"I would sit back and ask if this is in the interests of the community," said Clr Martin Smith.

"Clearly having a library where there is somewhere for people to have a bite to eat and a cup of tea is in the interests of the community."

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.