I WOULD like to endorse strongly all the comments made regarding the threatening plans to develop Radley Common, Houghton Green, into a massive housing estate of 1100 homes.

As well as being a very important refuge for wildlife (which manicured park land cannot provide) the common is a vital lung for the densely populated and traffic-polluted area. All the present problems will intensify if the plans get the go-ahead.

The Government Inspector's comments that the land is "featureless" completely misses the point and is a very blinkered viewpoint. He does not appear to see the much wider implications of such a large development and its impact on all North Warrington and not just the Houghton Green area.

With two major motorways, a link road, the A49 and the feeder roads such as Winwick Lane, Golborne Road and Myddleton Lane which are, particularly at peak times, as densely used as 'A' roads, any further large housing developments in the area seems to be an act of madness!

It is also worth pointing out that any housing built so close and parallel to the M62 will be subjected to very high noise levels and along with the increased closeness to a major pollution source is bound to make it not a very pleasant place to live.

Anyone who travels to work and back through the Winwick area or lives in North Warrington will know that at peak times the congestion is probably the worst in Warrington - including notorious Bridge Foot - and I urge them to support Helen Jones MP and Lord Hoyle and the various councillors and individuals who all recognise the disastrous consequencies if the development goes ahead.


Myddleton Lane


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