FURTHER to my letter in the GUARDIAN, February 5, I wonder how the fair-minded people of Warrington who are buying their houses through a building society or a bank loan would feel if the lender wrote to them and said that from a certain date they would be required to pay their water charges through them as part of their loan repayment or face foreclosure or calling in of the bank loan and their house being put on the market if they did not concur.

This is exactly what Warrington Borough Council is threatening their council tendants with in letters to all tenants dated December 4, 1998 and January 29, 1999.

Those of us old enough will recall back in 1939 a man called Adolf something or other tried to dictate to people and Warrington Borough Council would do well to remember what happened to him through his dictatorial ways.


Hon Alderman

Former Mayor of Warrington

Maple Road, Winwick

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.