BIG DEAL, second class postage stamps have been reduced by 1p. It should have been quartered and so should have first class, the service is disgusting. I remember, during the war, posting letters in a morning to Blackpool RAF and getting a reply the next day. The delivery is very poor indeed and it is time it was investigated and the customers told why. Postage should be delivered by 7.30am to 8.00am not after 9am to 10am or 11am. I have seen complaints in many newspapers apart from yours. Our post was no different when they had Christmas cards to deliver so why is it so bad at ordinary times. We asked a postman, who we don't see now, had he overslept? I think it is about time the government stepped in and sorted it out once and for all, but I suppose that is too much to ask. Sometimes it is necessary for people to get post before leaving for work. It has been essential for us at times.

Name and address supplied

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