I WOULD like to respond to the letter in last week's GUARDIAN, criticising the local authority in relation to its 'Management Speak.' The local authority was recently congratulated by other organisations and the District Auditor in relation to the clarity of the Community Plan, which was recently published.

Warrington Rugby League was purchased to save it from extinction. Is the reader suggesting that we should have allowed the club to close?

In relation to finances, the reader was simply mistaken.

Warrington Borough Council was forced to sell its interest in 3C's Waste as controlling shareholder Cheshire County Council had decided that the company should be sold. Warrington had no choice.

The average increase in rates since Warrington became a Unitary Authority is 1.4 per cent, substantially less than the national rate. Compare this to New Cheshire, where rates have increased by 23 per cent since reorganisation.

Warrington's costs for reorganisation have now been paid off.

Warrington has capped its finances within the budget. £1.4 million has been added to Council balances. The District Auditor is very satisfied with Warrington's financial performance. This is something that the town should be proud of.


Representing Whittlehall Ward

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