EVERY good scientist knows about cause and effect - where one thing leads directly to another - and association, where two things have no connection at all but are placed side by side in order to make it appear as though there is a connection.

It would appear that your paper is also aware of this.

The article that appeared on page three of the GUARDIAN on January 22 "Aliens in Wonderland" described so-called "strange goings on" in the local area. You reported your source, Jenny Randles, as claiming that "Daresbury Laboratory is not responsible for any of the bizarre spectacles."

Quite right too. As one of the country's leading science laboratories whose work has benefited everyone in the country by helping companies develop better medicines, "greener" industrial processes, new materials, faster electronics - and I could continue the list for a very long time - the Daresbury Laboratory is something of which the people of Warrington can be rightly proud.

So I think it is reprehensible of you to seek to associate the Laboratory with these "strange goings on" by publishing a poor photo-montage of the Laboratory and some UFOs beneath the article. There is NO connection. I hope you will publish a retraction in a similarly prominent position.


Public Relations Officer


Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.