WITH last week's rain and gales, fishing in open waters made presentation virtually impossible for Lymm Angling Club.

Member Chris Knox was determined not to allow the elements to stand in the way of his fishing and set out his stall on Village Pool.

Chris fished light to claim some good sport topped off by a chub of 3.5lbs which had his pole elastic pulled to its full extent a number of times before he got it into his landing net.

Earlier in the week angling maestro Steve Daly landed 72 rudd and roach along with 16 other species, including bream and gudgeon. Steve was seen off a number of times by bigger fish, leaving him determined to return with beefier tackle.

I have sent membership details to two day ticket anglers who enjoyed a red letter day on the River Severn at Atcham during the autumn. Both had remarkable catches - the best being 33 barbel averaging 7 lbs to make a total weight of more than 250lbs.

It was emphasised that they had never fished the river before and their choice of peg was by pure luck. However, by good fortune, they were fishing in the right place at the right time and managed a catch that most of us can only dream about.

Saturday's work party was centred on Grimsditch Mill Pool where excessive willow growth was cut down. These trees were planted by the club a number of years ago and grew at an alarming rate.

These trees have now been coppiced, making them much easier to manage while still providing the cover required.

This work was prompted by advice from the Environment Agency who suggested that the high amount of foilage dropping into the pool each year was contributing to the low oxygen problems suffered in recent times.

Tomorrow's, Saturday's, work party on Lymm Dam is scheduled to commence at 9am. Members should meet on the road at the head of the dam and await instructions from head water keeper Derek Ormord or his deputy.

The National Federation of Anglers, north west region, has a disabled qualifying match and a team match organised for July 14 on the Leeds Liverpool Canal, Appley Bridge, near Wigan.

Members who are interested in fishing this match should give me a ring as soon as possible.

I can be contacted on 411774.

Neil Jupp

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.