A PAIR of Warrington golfers came within a whisker of winning the European Nations Cup in Portugal.

Ron Cliffe and Bill Clay led the field for more than an hour after completing their second round before three teams forced their way in front.

And the duo believe they could have had the cup wrapped up if the nerves had not struck on the last three holes.

Ron, of Great Sankey, said: "I looked up at the scoreboard when we on the tee for the 15th hole, saw we were in front and then stuck my next shot in the water!

"The nerves were jangling a bit then but Bill played superbly so it didn't fall apart completely. We still finished three shots off worse than we were on the 15th but we spent the next hour in the clubhouse hoping no-one would catch us.

"The wind was strong all day, which suited us because we're used to playing in bad weather, and we were hoping it would get even worse so we could hang on to the lead!"

It was not to be but Ron and Bill, of Appleton, still finished fourth out of 56 pairs of top class European amateurs.

Their success was all the more impressive as they had met for the first time at the airport on their way out to the competition.

Ron said: "I couldn't have asked for a better partner."

He played superbly as well."

It was nice to come back with a new friend as well as some good memories.

"Hopefully, we can go one better next year and win it. That certainly what we're aiming for."

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