A PENSIONER accused of committing indecent assault will not now stand trial.

Cyril Blower, 77, of Crow Wood Lane, Widnes, has been found unfit to stand trial on nine counts of indecent assault.

Mr Blower, who had denied all the charges, successfully argued that his health would not stand the rigours of a court hearing.

A judge at Warrington Crown Court ruled on Friday that the charges should lie on file.

Mr Blower has not been convicted of any offence.

But the mother of two of Mr Blower's alleged victims was irate at the decision.

The woman, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, said: "I think it just stinks. I am just fuming. It has affected my girls terribly and put a terrible strain on our family.

"My girls were brave enough to go to the police and tell them all about it only to find out that it has all come to nothing.

"We have through hell and back and other people have come forward and nothing has been done."

The woman says she has been approached by other people in Halton and told tales of childhood abuse, but fears that this ruling will mean they will not bother reporting their pasts.

A Crown Prosecution Service spokesman said that the trial could be restarted in the future if circumstances changed.

This would require a decision by the trial judge but, in view of Mr Blower's age, would be unlikely.

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