Report by NICK SMITH

CONTROL of Winsford's troubled Glebe Green estate looks set to be handed to Muir Housing Association.

Over 80 per cent of residents have taken part in a crucial vote on the estate's future - with 273 backing the change.

Only 16 residents wanted their homes to stay under borough council management.

"The Muir package will achieve the kind of transformation that previous council investment achieved on Over and Greenfields Park," said leading housing councillor Dr Janet Mather.

"The council's financial position meant the investment needed could only come through working in partnership with an organisation like Muir."

The council must now formally consider the result of the ballot at its meeting on July 29. Control could be transferred by next February.

Muir plan to fit full central heating, build new porches and improve access to the estate.

Project Director Bruce Lister said: "We are delighted the proposals have met with such broad approval from the residents with whom we have worked particluarly closely.

"We now look forward to agreeing the final details of our proposals with the Glebe Green Residents' Panel over the coming months."

Jean Gliddon, spokeswoman for the residents' panel, said: "It has been a long process and involved a lot of hard work.

"But the ballot result shows the residents are behind far-reaching proposals which should really benefit Glebe Green.

"We believe Muir's proposals will not only improve the physical aspects of the estate, but also improve the quality of life of residents."

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