AN institution came to an end last week as one of the country's longest serving coroners retired - after 41 years of service.

There have been many tragedies which Cheshire's chief coroner John Hibbert, 71, has dealt with during his term of office.

For example, the recent Winsford train accident brought back memories of an inquest he held in 1962 when a train last crashed at Winsford, killing 22 people.

"When I heard about the crash last week it brought it all back, it was a terrible tragedy," he said.

Mr Hibbert, who lives in Congleton, had served as deputy coroner for only a year when his predecessor died 41 years ago.

Two inquests particularly stick in his mind - the Warrington bombing, when two children died, and the helicopter crash in which Matthew Harding was killed.

He doesn't have any specific plans for his retirement but will be cruising to Alaska next week.

"It's difficult to say if I will miss the job but despite the nature of the job it has been a happy period in my life.

"It's time I gave way to a younger man," he added.

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