A SCHOOLGIRL escaped unharmed after a stranger tried to drag her into his car.

The attempted abduction happened as the 13-year-old was walking along Nixon Drive in Winsford, at 8.50pm on Monday, June 28.

A blue car that had been travelling slowly behind her, drove ahead and stopped a short distance away.

The driver got out and told her to get into the car before pulling her towards the rear passenger door. The girl, who has not been identified, struggled free when he released one arm in an attempt to open the door.

Detective Constable Howard Smith said: "Any children about at that time need to be aware. It is possible it might happen again and that's why we are doing as much as we can."

The man was white, aged about 35 and around five feet eight inches tall. He had short, light brown hair which was swept back, chubby cheeks, stubble and a moustache. He is pale with thin lips, round eyes and a beer belly.

He wore a white Adidas T-shirt, light grey jogging pants and white trainers.

The car was a dark blue estate with black trim around the bottom of the doors and bumper bars. A Bart Simpson doll was hanging in the back window.

Police are anxious to trace anyone who may recognise the man, particularly the lady in a red saloon which drove by at the time of the incident.

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