SOME 120 new homes are earmarked for the West Heath part of Congleton following the planned closure of the local high school.

The houses will be built on the site of Westlands High, which is due to be sold off as part of a £7.8 million scheme to merge Congleton's three highs into two.

Westlands is due to close, and its pupils will switch to new super highs to be created on the sites of Dane Valley and Heathfield highs.

As a result Westlands will be pulled down, and the site redeveloped for housing to offset the costs of the multi-million pound education project.

A public exhibition of the plans for all three school sites is being staged at Westlands between 3pm and 8pm on July 15 and from 3pm to 6pm on July 16.

A county council spokesman said part of the scheme envisaged the creation of a new artificial sports pitch at Heathfield for pupils, sports clubs and the local community.

"It is hoped part of the capital required to build the new pitch will be obtained from the National Lottery, and the council is preparing a bid to be submitted shortly," he said.

Funding for the rest of the scheme comes from various sources including the county council, central government and the sale in 2001 of the Westlands site for housing.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.