A MAJOR company based near Nantwich is helping to raise awareness about conservation issues through the Cheshire Wildlife Trust.

Boughey Distribution, of Wardle, has joined the Trust's Corporate Membership Scheme along with 84 other firms.

The company is currently working with Cheshire Ecological Services, the trust's consultancy arm, to fulfil the legal obligations for on site conservation.

The firm is keen to safeguard the environment and is working with CES to ensure the landscaping of the warehousing site will have no damaging effect on the environment.

"We need to be aware within our organisation of the responsibilities and opportunities we have in preserving the local environment," said Mike Guest, Boughey Managing Director.

"The national road distribution business is often perceived to be a dirty activity and anti-environmental but we strive to operate efficiently with little environmental impact.

"We view our association with the Trust to be complimentary rather than at odds with the objectives of both organisations."

Corporate Membership Manager Fiona Carter was delighted to welcome Boughey into the scheme.

She said: "Our role is to safeguard the natural environment and it's great to see companies like Boughey not only supporting our work through being Bronze members of the Trust but ensuring that any development they pursue takes into account the likely effect on wildlife."

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