PEOPLE power conspired against me this week - and I'm absolutely appalled.

Last night I intended, in the spirit of free inquiry, to use a Ouija board on air.

But when I announced this experiment last week, people bombarded my station overlords with complaints.

I can't understand why grown and intelligent people are so frightened by Ouija. At base, you could say it is pushing a glass along an alphabet.

But if, as a majority Christian country, we believe in the life of the spirit, what is so spooky about it. It smacked of narrow-mindedness - maybe it is the residue of centuries of dogma and demonisation of the non-orthodox.

MY HEART goes out to the people of Northern Ireland as peace looks to be slipping away. The vast majority want to get on with their lives but, as usual, political livelihoods seem to be more important.

Instead on insisting on "decommissioning" (really "delaying" misspelt) maybe the best thing would be to set up a Government and see how the various parties deal with health, social welfare and economic policy. People will accept a Government that works for them.

WHY are people so upset by the wedding of Victoria Adam and David Beckham wedding being held (a) in an Irish Castle and (b) behind closed doors.

Just because they are well known doesn't mean that the public own them. Two famous people tying the knot is hardly gun-running or conspiracy in high office.

I think envy might be getting the better of some people.

It's a public trait that seems to have been on the rise since the days of Thatcher.

Great to see a World class production in Liverpool. The Phantom of the Opera is a wonderful show. Coupled with the

orchestral Pops, the signs are that Liverpool is considered a venue again. But people have to get out and support this stuff.

I enjoyed Les Dennis' new talent show at the weekend because it's about time variety got a turn on the TV again. Thee are thousands of talented people, and millions more prepared to watch them. But somehow the schedulers have abandoned this constituency. So good to see the balance beginning to be redressed.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.