CAR crime is falling in Halton but police running a campaign against vehicle theft are telling people to remain on their guard.

Latest figures show that thefts and burglaries fell by 26 per cent in April - a decrease that Halton Police car crime unit is keen to turn into a trend.

"We need to educate people about where they leave property in their car, how and where they leave it and that they can't believe it is not going to happen to them," said Sergeant Steve Bryant, who is leading the drive.

Pointing out that 47 vehicles were reported missing last month in Halton, Sgt Bryant says the financial implications of such thefts run into the tens of thousands of pounds.

"We have a dedicated team of officers to look at this problem but we do need the public's help."

A new phoneline has been set up to allow people to ring information direct through to the team on 01244 614 998.

But people with emergency information are still asked to use 999.

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