THE disappearance of a pet kitten led to a sinister discovery that is forcing its owner out of her home in West Bank.

Sona Alexander's 11-month-old pet Poppy went missing two weeks ago.

And when she went out looking for her, she found a load of animal snares in the bushes on Church Street as well as a bag containing scores of hypodermic needles.

"I am absolutely incensed because it's obviously someone who has absolutely no regard not just for animals, but for children."

The discovery of the snares led her to re-examine a flesh wound Poppy's sibling Badger had.

Sona had assumed it was an ordinary scrape but when she brought Badger to the vet she discovered it was a gunshot wound.

"When the vet said to me that Badger has been shot, I was shocked," said Sona.

"I am now selling my home as a result of this. I don't want to live in an area where things like this go on."

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