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IT has been nine months since former Middlewich man Greg Norris took the plunge - to set sail on a fast and furious boat race 34,000 miles around the world.

The experience has been tough both mentally and physically but now the rewards are enormous and the memories lifelong.

For he is making his way back home and in just a few weeks he will be reunited with his family.

Greg, a former Middlewich Junior School pupil, was selected from around 10,000 people to complete the difficult journey.

And, in October last year, the 45-year-old left Plymouth on one of seven 60ft yachts carrying a total of 201 people who all planned to curcumnavigate the globe.

The race, known as Clipper 98, was organised by Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, who became the first man to sail around the world non-stop nearly 30 years ago.

Completing the journey will be an amazing achievement for Greg.

His dad, Alec, who lives in Tewkesbury Close, Middlewich, is extremely proud of him.

He said: "This has been quite an accomplishment for Greg, but it will be nice to have him back on dry land. His wife Eileen and I have really missed him.

"It's been an experience for him, to say the least. There are only about 2,000 people in the world who have done this.

"We're going down to Plymouth to welcome him home on August 18. There will be thousands of people waiting there to meet them."

Alec has tracked his son's movements around the world every day by map.

He explained: "I have followed Greg's journey day by day, plotting his route on a map.

"He has also kept in touch using e-mail. One time he sent a message saying that a 35ft whale had surfaced near the yacht."

But Alec is not the only person to have taken an interest in Greg's sailing adventure.

Pupils from St Chad's Primary School in Winsford have also been following his voyage.

"It's nice that Greg is putting something back into the area in which he was schooled," Alec said. "He used to row in the coxed eights for Sir John Deane's.

"The children have been studying Greg's sailing trip and it has improved their geographical knowledge. Hopefully he will visit them at the school when he returns."

Greg, who now lives in Inskip near Preston, is currently in San Salvador but is due to leave on Friday. He is expected to reach Horta on August 7 for a five-day stay. From there he is homeward bound for Plymouth and is scheduled to arrive on August 18 or 19.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.